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The Big Listen


There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and it will be lost. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is nor how valuable nor how it compares with other expressions. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open.

- Martha Graham

The Big Listen

We call this retreat, The Big Listen because we believe that to really listen has magic; listening for the call of the forest and for the myths of our lives, giving our full attention to ourselves and then not forgetting each other.

Dates & Locations

The Eschwege Institute, Germany - September 12th - 17th 2022


Through ritual, mediation and immersive practices in nature we will open to a sense of ‘self’ that is integrated within the richness of the organic world. Here we can meet the deeper aspects which enable us to step into the myth of our lives, and of these times.

This programme weaves together wilderness practices including The Fours Shields nature-based four directions map, Way of Council and solo time in nature, with meditative, ritual and heart-based practices from the Buddhist tradition. 

At the heart of this programme lies an invitation to spend time alone with nature, and listen. This ‘solo’ will take the form of a Threshold Walk. Inspired by our place within the cycles of nature, traditional vision quests and ‘nature solos’ have been practiced by many people and cultures across time. Whilst immersed in nature, 'listening' you may receive a gift; the beauty of an insight or the “rapture” of reconnecting with the most authentic and unique currents in your life.

“ People say that what we’re all seeking is a meaning for life. I don’t think that’s what we’re really seeking. I think that what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive, so that our life experiences on the purely physical plane will have resonances with our own innermost being and reality, so that we actually feel the rapture of being alive.”

— Joseph Campbell


Develop the ability to make deep, authentic contact with yourself and others

Track the obstacles that keep you ‘refusing your own flowering’

Be present to the sensing and feeling body, beyond the limitations of the rational mind

Connect with the mythic dimension of your life

and find a deeper sense of your own belonging


We'll begin each morning with mindful practices. Mid-mornings will be set aside for soulful storytelling, making time to listen to what has purchase on our hearts, using the Way of Council model.

The afternoons will involve nature-based practices that support contemplative self-reflection, inviting a deeper conversation between our most authentic selves and the wisdom found in nature.

The evenings will be set aside for integrating the threads of our days through creative exercises that might include dancing, walking with the full moon and sitting around a fire under the stars..

The life we refuse
Will breach our defences anyway
Even at the moment of death.
Don’t wait that long
In every moment there is a door
With a sign saying ‘Now’
Waiting to be opened.
Don’t hesitate, don’t even knock
Even when we turn away
we will arrive again at the same place.
Every step we take is toward this door
The life we refuse is singing to us
From the other side
Step through,
The old life with its comforting certainties
Is not a home for the soul
Break the furniture, run at the door
And leap into the place they call ‘Here’ ”



If you'd like to know more do feel free to get in touch. Werner and I are both happy to have a conversation about the details of this programme and our approach.

To book for our German retreat please contact: Eshwege Institute

I’m Natasha, also known by my Buddhist name Nagadipa which means light in the depths - this name was given to me as a mirror of my essence and as life teaching.

I guide individuals and groups through transformative nature-based experiences. With over twenty years of experience leading programmes I have been moved and honoured to witness countless stories; listening and attending to what has purchase on folks’ hearts.

The way I work weaves together the main threads of my life; creativity, dharma (truth), mythic journeys, the intelligence of the body and nature.


Werner Pilz is a very experienced Vision Quest guide and Wilderness Facilitator with over twelve years experience as a lead guide.

He trained with the School of Lost Borders and has been guiding Vision Quests and facilitating Way of Council for twelve years. He is a very active member of the German-Speaking Wilderness Guides Network and has been working within this organisation for approximately twelve years.

Two of his current passions are guiding longer soul-journeys for men and practicing IoPT (Identity-orientated Psycho Trauma Therapy. He is also a very proud father of two blossoming 22 year-old women.

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